You wouldn’t expect to peak as an athlete if you didn’t master the technical elements of your sport. You wouldn’t expect to reach your potential if you only gave a half-hearted effort to maximizing your fitness and movement.

The same applies with your mental skills development. It may be true that some sports champions are more prone to excel in pressure situations, but it is not the norm. By and large most learn the hard way, through trial and error. They endure the choking, the plateaus, and persist until they get through. It’s the slow, frustrating, more costly way.

It doesn’t matter how great your technique is, how fit or quick you’ve become, or how tactically brilliant you are, if you don’t consciously cultivate optimal thinking, or good mental skills, before, during, and after competition, you’ll have limited and sporadic success.

Success doesn’t have to be sporadic; in fact it should be quite deliberate.  When athletes are ‘in the zone’, it is visible, even palpable. So how do the great one’s get there so often?  It’s not an accident.

There are 7 mental skills we have found to be key in helping train and master the mind to reach the highest performance more often. We’ve put together a video on them for you, but also a PDF so you can print them and have them available at all times. Download the PDF here.  These 7 mental skills have been chosen and ordered in a very purposeful manner and they are:

  1. Lay Down a New Success Track
  2. The Root of Peak Performance
  3. How To Step Into Your Peak State
  4. Learn to Control Your Thoughts
  5. See It and You’ll Believe It
  6. How to Anchor Certainty
  7. Use the Tool to Perform “Off The Charts”

Watch the video here


Our intention is that, by the time you’re done, you’ll be much more aware of the mental skills that sports champions have and the importance of developing these skills for you to realize your sports dreams.

On behalf of the entire MTI Team, I invite you and challenge you to not just read these tips but to make a decision to master these mental skills. Learn more about

Dr. Bob