After years of working with Athletes of all levels we have learned that effective mental training is what separates high performers from their competition.  Obviously athletes at every level need to take care of both the physical AND the mental, but top athletes from all sports have one thing in common: They get the physical part right – it’s the mental stuff that’s holding them back. They face issues like slumps, burnout, performance anxiety, nervousness, anger, choking, and under-performance.

As Stephen Lambdin, a Taekwondo World-Competitor, put  on his first post in this blog,  “I’ve experienced my fair share of heart-breaks, blood, broken bones, ruptured tendons and surgeries, but with hard work and determination I never lost sight of the end goal.” Having  mental toughness and visualizing the outcome can dramatically help to reach the goal. Just like Stephen, many other well-known professional and Olympic athletes have expressed the importance of mental training in achieving their goals. So, to save you some time, we compiled a list of videos with the experiences of elite athletes. We hope it helps in your search for understanding and as you prepare your mind for high achievement. Enjoy.