Alberto Biffi | Certified Mental Trainer®

Alberto Biffi, CMT (Italy)
Alberto Biffi is one of the first “Mental Coaches” in Italy, working professionally since 2013 when he became a Certified Mental Coach at Mental Training Inc. (MTI). In 2014, he achieved the Certified Mental Trainer® Certificate at MTI with internships in the USA every year. Currently, Alberto Biffi is CEO of Mental Training Italy, the Italian branch of MTI, where he has been organizing specialized courses with Mental Trainers® qualified to achieve the Certified Mental Coach and Certified Team Mental Coach Certificates. Today he follows several projects in the field of mental coaching, not just sports, and applies these teachings with all his clients, from individual to teams. According to Alberto, the path of growth for a person, an athlete, a professional, or even a team, passes from the awareness of one’s own potential to the translation of skills into correct objectives for desired results. This path must be trained mentally. Working in sports, following the great champions, also means understanding their mentality and psychology. This is the role of Mental Trainers—the mind trainers who are more and more often fundamental allies to reach important goals.
“My passion in performing mental training is the joy I get in working with people in different contexts to help them acquire responsibility for them to decide what goals are organically best for their entire lives. For example, we talk a lot about dissatisfaction in the workplace. One of my clients, driven by this, had abandoned everything else in his life to get a new job. After a few months, thanks to his growth on the path of mental training that we took together, he reached his new job, but with a different and above all, sustainable awareness of the value of every aspect of his life. In a market that has lost jobs due to technology, the career of Mental Trainer empowers people to appreciate the present and to build a sustainable future, both individually and as a team. I say this because our society lives on individualism that can be good for some things, but to achieve great goals participation and sharing with others is fundamental. The mental trainer makes people ‘rediscover’ this value.”
Alberto Biffi has more than 20 years of experience in sports activities and sporting events and is a Contract Professor at Bocconi University in Milan teaching Statistics, Quantitative Methods for Managerial Decisions, Marketing Communication and Global Markets. Alberto also works at SOMA – Milan Osteopathy Institute. He has been a national volleyball coach since 2004 and of beach volleyball since 2012 and was awarded the Best Sports Coach for the year 2014 by the authoritative Italian Sports Awards-ISA. In particular, in recent years, he has brought the methodology of Mental Training Inc. to Italy and today follows coaches, athletes and parents from different sports disciplines such as volleyball, basketball, beach volleyball, badminton, rugby, athletics, weight lifting, tennis, horse riding, personal training, marathon, soccer, body building, plate shooting, dog obedience and swimming.
As a Mental Trainer, Alberto oversees Mental Coaching courses for students and professionals within the Bocconi Sport Team. Alberto also offers companies innovative solutions to help them achieve their goals with business collaborations for companies choosing mental coaching for managers and employees with team building and executive coaching objectives.
To get started with mental coaching today and see how Alberto can specifically help you, schedule a free appointment at this link:
Alberto is based in Milan, Via Gabetti, 15 and provides Mental Coaching sessions online via Zoom.
Info: [email protected]
Alberto Biffi è uno dei primi “allenatori della mente” in Italia, svolge l’attività a livello professionale dal 2013 quando diventa Certified Mental Coach presso MentalTrainingInc. Nel 2014 diventa Certified Mental Trainer presso Mental Training Inc con stage negli USA ogni anno. Alberto Biffi è Ceo di Mental Training Italy, filiale Italiana di MentalTrainingInc, dove organizza dal 2013 assieme a Mental Trainer qualificati Percorsi specializzati per raggiungere la qualifica Certified Mental Coach e di Certified Team Mental Coach. Oggi segue diversi progetti in ambito di mental coaching, non solo sportivo, e applica questi insegnamenti con tutti i suoi clienti, dai singoli alle squadre. Secondo lui, il percorso di crescita di una persona, di un atleta, di un professionista o di una squadra o di un Team, passa dalla consapevolezza delle proprie potenzialità che vanno poi tradotte in corretti obbiettivi di risultato e questa situazione va allenata a livello mentale. Lavorare in ambito sportivo, seguendo i grandi campioni, significa anche coinvolgere la loro mentalità e psicologia. Questo è il ruolo dei mental trainer, gli allenatori della mente che sempre più spesso sono alleati fondamentali per arrivare a raggiungere traguardi importanti.
“La mia attenzione nel fare il mental trainer è quella che mi permette di fare il lavoro che mi piace in diversi contesti, aiutando le persone ad acquistare la giusta responsabilità che in termine tecnico vuol dire raggiungere obiettivi ecologici. Faccio un esempio, si parla tanto di insoddisfazione nel lavoro. Un mio cliente, spinto da ciò, aveva abbandonato il resto per raggiungere un nuovo posto di lavoro. Dopo alcuni mesi, grazie al suo percorso di crescita fatto insieme, ha raggiunto il suo nuovo lavoro, ma con una consapevolezza diversa e soprattutto sostenibile.” “Ci sono lavori ormai fuori mercato, ci sono lavori che si stanno innovando e ci sono nuovi lavori. Il mental trainer fa parte di questa ultima categoria e tra le sue competenze porta le persone ad apprezzare il presente e a costruire un futuro sostenibile, sia a livello individuale che di team. Dico questo perché la nostra società vive di individualismo che può star bene per alcune cose, ma per raggiungere grandi obiettivi la partecipazione e la condivisione con altri è fondamentale. Ecco, il mental trainer fa “riscoprire” nelle persone questo valore.”
Alberto ha più di 20 anni di esperienza in attività sportive e manifestazioni sportive ed è Contract Professor presso Università Bocconi a Milano, Statistica, Metodi Quantitativi per le Decisioni Manageriali, Università Bicocca a Milano, Marketing Comunicazione e Mercati Globali e SOMA – Istituto Osteopatia Milano. È un allenatore nazionale di pallavolo dal 2004 e di Beach Volley dal 2012. Alberto Biffi è stato premiato come miglior Coach Sportivo per l’anno 2014 dall’autorevole Italian Sports Awards-ISA. In particolare, negli ultimi anni ha portato in Italia la metodologia di Mental Training Inc. e segue oggi allenatori, atleti e genitori di diverse discipline sportive come pallavolo, pallacanestro, beach volley, badminton, rugby, atletica, sollevamento pesi, tennis, equitazione, personal training, maratona, calcio, body building, Tiro al piattelo, dog obbedience e il nuoto. Come Mental Trainer segue all’interno del Bocconi Sport Team corsi di Mental Coaching per studenti e professionisti. Alberto offre alle Aziende soluzioni innovative per aiutarli a raggiungere i loro obiettivi; ha avviato collaborazioni con aziende andando a fare mental coaching a dirigenti e dipendenti con obiettivi di team building e di executive coaching.
Inizia con il Mental Coaching oggi e confrontati con Alberto su come ti può aiutare, prenota una sessione gratuita a questo link:
Alberto ha sede in Milano Via Gabetti, 15 e fornisce sessioni di Mental Coaching a distanza via Zoom.
Info: [email protected]
Pricing for 1-on-1 Mental Training Services with Alberto Biffi
To understand how our 1on1 mental training services work, be sure to go through the 5 Steps HERE.
To work 1on1 with Mental Trainer® Alberto Biffi, review his 3 available packages below. All Mental Trainers have advanced degrees, can handle athletes of all sports and ages, and have been certified by MTI.
All packages include the following services:
- Initial Meeting & Mental Skills Assessment: 1hr
- 1-on-1 Sessions with a Mental Trainer®
- “Roadmap to the Zone” eBook
- MentalApp® (Mobile Mental Trainer)
- Customized Mental Training Program (MTP)
- Online Monitoring Chart Design and Tracking
- Customized Pre-Performance Routines
- Post-Performance Analysis
Advanced Package
- Mental Trainer® Sessions: 6 x 50min
- Ideal for athletes who have not yet committed to long-term mental training and need to try the program first.
- Includes a custom designed Mental Training Program, six (6) 1-on-1 sessions in office or online and all necessary technology.
- Sessions include new mental skills, review of past skills taught, training assignments and performance preparation and analysis.
Elite Package
- Mental Trainer® Sessions: 10 x 50min
- Ideal for athletes who have committed to long-term mental training in order to build consistent mental toughness.
- Includes a custom designed Mental Training Program, ten (10) 1-on-1 sessions in office or online and all necessary technology.
- Sessions include new mental skills, review of past skills taught, training assignments and performance preparation and analysis.
Professional Package
- Annually
- Mental Trainer® Sessions: weekly x 90min
- Designed for elite athletes who require more specialized attention because of travel and confidentiality challenges.
- Includes a custom designed Mental Training Program, weekly sessions up to 90min in-office or online and all necessary technology.
- Priority Mental Trainer scheduling, custom Periodization Training Program and additional phone support up to 2hrs a month.
- To purchase a Pro Package please setup a free initial meeting below.