I’m Sick Of Covid

While you’re on the bench, put that spotlight on the space between your ears. I’m sick of the word COVID. The world changed. Did you? This pandemic has knocked us off our center. We may be rocked back on our heels a bit, but we have to surge forward to figure out how we can [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:23+00:00By |Tami Neff on behalf of the MTI Team|Comments Off on I’m Sick Of Covid

Black Lives Matter to MTI

Standing In Solidarity Dr. King said: “'In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." To all our friends, staff, and clients, we want to acknowledge with open eyes and open hearts, that racism is systemic in our society. The pain, oppression, and brutality that people [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:23+00:00By |Tami Neff on behalf of the MTI Team, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Black Lives Matter to MTI