Many psychology experts believe depression is largely CONTROLLABLE and therefore preventable by as many as 95% of all people who experience it, and WITHOUT the need for harmful drugs. Start by thinking about how a depressed person looks and behaves:
- stays away from others
- doesn’t give or feel love
- thinks about problems
- worries about uncontrollables
- practices pessimism
- does nothing fun
- rarely relaxes or enjoys free time
- shows no positive emotions
- rarely exercises
- shows few positive facial expressions (flat affect)
- is generally self‐focused
If some of those words describe your behavior, here’s how to change it. Choose the following:
- socialize regularly with positive people
- connect often with mate or loved ones
- problem solve (vs complain)
- learn to “center” and get in the present
- focus on controllables
- learn how to be optimistic
- schedule fun things each day
- relax and enjoy free time
- smile and laugh often
- exercise daily
- and do nice things for others regularly.
The above list is a great place to start but may not replace work with a trained professional.
Mental Training, Inc.
Dallas, Texas
Really well said! Kudos to you for all of your articles, thanks!