Stephen’s Saga – Taekwondo Post #1

People often ask me what I did to stay in the game when I couldn't train for the first 5 months last year. The simple answer is: visualization. I picture everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. It worked. Ask anyone I have fought since the injury. I am better than before.

2021-04-14T11:28:35+00:00By |Client Stories, Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Skills, Mental Toughness, Mental Training, MTI Blog, Sport Psychology|Comments Off on Stephen’s Saga – Taekwondo Post #1

Noah’s Saga – 1st Pro Team (post 1)

Well, I have a new update. The team that I had a tryout with and have been staying with tried to tell me I had to leave on Friday morning because they have another player coming and need my apartment. I told them that I didn't understand why they were doing this when they had [...]

2010-02-03T01:52:52+00:00By |Client Stories, Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Skills, Mental Toughness, Mental Training, MTI Blog, Sport Psychology|Comments Off on Noah’s Saga – 1st Pro Team (post 1)

Online Mental Trainer is here!

I am just going to take a few minutes here and write about how excited we are to launch Online Mental Trainer (OMT), why we are doing this and what it is. If you want to save yourself some time and skip this entire post you can go now to to learn more about [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:35+00:00By |Mental Skills, Mental Toughness, Mental Training, MTI Blog, Online Mental Trainer, Sport Psychology|Comments Off on Online Mental Trainer is here!

10 Maxims to Perform at Higher Levels More Often

For over 15 years, we've observed many athletes who focus only on their fitness and technique to improve their performance. Unfortunately, they're missing a critical piece. Improving fitness and technique works well at the lower and intermediate levels, but it's clearly insufficient for high-performance. The greatest athletes in the world agree that "the mind is [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:37+00:00By |Mental Skills, Mental Training, MTI Blog, Online Mental Trainer, Sport Psychology|Comments Off on 10 Maxims to Perform at Higher Levels More Often