Sink or Swim, building mental toughness the old or new way!

Sink or Swim Last month I wrote about “Why we train mentally”.  Some of the feedback I got has prompted me to expand these thoughts, as some people are under the impression that the way we develop mental toughness is to basically apply pressure and hope that the person will find some inner strength to [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:24+00:00By |ClubCorp, Mike Margolies' Blog, Mike's Blog|Comments Off on Sink or Swim, building mental toughness the old or new way!

Fear of Failure? Or is it the Fear of Failing?

Fear of Failure or is it the Fear of Failing? Mike Margolies CMT® Fear of Failure The difference between Fear of failure and Fear of failing. FEAR can be scary; it can definitely hold athletes back from accomplishing many great things. Fear is failure can be about not wanting to fail at anything you do, [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:25+00:00By |Mental Coach, Mental Skills, Mental Toughness, Mental Training, MentalApp, Mike's Blog, MTI Blog, Sport Psychology, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Fear of Failure? Or is it the Fear of Failing?

Performance Anxiety

I get really nervous before the game, what’s wrong with me? By: Mike Margolies, MA, CMT® Is this you? Do you get so nervous prior to a game that your performance is negatively impacted? I hear this a lot from the athletes I’ve helped over the last 35 years. It is the most common complaint [...]

2016-03-15T19:34:29+00:00By |Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Skills, Mental Toughness, Mental Training, Mike's Blog, MTI Blog, Sport Psychology|Comments Off on Performance Anxiety