Why Do Olympians Compete?

Why does competition matter? On Sunday night, I watched the closing ceremony for the 2016 Olympics. Afterwards, there was an incredible presentation of Olympic highlights showing one breathtaking victory or crushing defeat after another. I'll admit to tears pouring down my face as I watched these athletes push through pain, fear and exhaustion to reach their goal. So much heart. [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:24+00:00By |Dr. Bob's Blog|1 Comment

Accountability Coaches in Individual and Team Athletics: Who’s Yours?

Accountability Coaches in Individual and Team Athletics Who’s Yours? By Sheryl Kline Cardiff, M.A. www.SherylKlineCardiff.com Even the most driven and self-motivated athletes can benefit from having an accountability coach. This role should be filled by a peer or mentor who the athlete has great respect for, and usually someone other than his or her actual [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:28+00:00By |MTI Blog, Sheryl's Blog|Comments Off on Accountability Coaches in Individual and Team Athletics: Who’s Yours?

Can Adversity Be A Good Thing?

We’ve all heard the expression about viewing life with a “glass half full” versus “glass half empty” attitude, but what does that actually mean? It’s not realistic to be optimistic and positive all the time when facing tough situations, but how we choose to interpret adversity can make all the difference in how we allow [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:29+00:00By |Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Training, Sarah's Blog|Comments Off on Can Adversity Be A Good Thing?

Goal Setting: more than a good idea at midnight

For many, the beginning of a new year signifies a fresh start and an opportunity to outline what you hope to achieve in the New Year. However, establishing new goals can often seem daunting and pointless, especially if you haven’t successfully achieved them in the past. New Year’s goal setting struggles are not just limited [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:31+00:00By |Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Skills, Mental Training, MTI Blog, Sarah's Blog, Sport Psychology|Comments Off on Goal Setting: more than a good idea at midnight

“Weight Loss” is a Mental Game (Part 2)

Solutions for Your 10 Biggest Threats “Weight loss” programs fail for those who don’t realize it’s just a big mental game. As we talked about last month, weight loss is of interest to hundreds of millions of people, but the term itself is a pretty lousy one. We should be more concerned with getting healthy [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:32+00:00By |Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Skills, Mental Training, MTI Blog, Nutrition & Health|Comments Off on “Weight Loss” is a Mental Game (Part 2)

“Weight Loss” is a Mental Game (Part 1)

The term “Weight Loss” is such a lousy term. I've used it here to get your attention, but I’d like you not to use it. It doesn’t help to be talking about weight. Dehydrating yourself or taking amphetamines (diet pills and caffeine) will lower your weight, but that’s mostly a temporary water loss and clearly [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:32+00:00By |Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Coach, Mental Skills, Mental Training, MTI Blog, Nutrition & Health|Comments Off on “Weight Loss” is a Mental Game (Part 1)

The Top 10 Superfoods

The 10 healthiest foods are foods that are so exceptionally good for us that we should include them in our healthy diet on a regular basis. Our list of super foods is arranged alphabetically, not in order of importance. Each is an amazing food, jam packed with health giving benefits. 1. Berries Berries are extremely [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:33+00:00By |Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Coach, MTI Blog, Nutrition & Health|Comments Off on The Top 10 Superfoods

The Ultimate Guide to Happiness

The following is an itemized list of what it takes to achieve total well-being. Physical Health: Drink plenty of water. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured IN plants. Live with the [...]

2012-05-22T10:07:18+00:00By |Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Skills, Mental Training, MTI Blog, Nutrition & Health|Comments Off on The Ultimate Guide to Happiness

Coffee, Tea, And Stress

85% of U.S. adults consume caffeine daily and they are prone to increased blood pressure, meaning greater chances of heart disease, and feeling more stressed than if they didn't drink their coffee, cola or tea. The Duke University research team found that even if people don't consume caffeine after 1pm, the effects remain until they [...]

2012-03-17T18:38:29+00:00By |Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Training, MTI Blog, Nutrition & Health|Comments Off on Coffee, Tea, And Stress

The Importance Of Sleep

How Important Is Sleep? "Psychology and sleep researchers have confirmed that your emotional stability and cognitive strength are strongly affected by your sleep. But it’s actually even more significant than that - poor sleep contributes to alterations in mood, concentration, motivation, attention and motor skills (coordination and timing). If you were wondering why there's a [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:33+00:00By |Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Training, MTI Blog, Nutrition & Health, Online Mental Trainer, Sport Psychology|Comments Off on The Importance Of Sleep