Noah’s Saga – Pro Hockey Post #3

The weekend games here went ok. We lost 3-0 on friday and I played well at times. Sunday I played Defense because we had some guys out of the lineup and I played well. We won 1-0 against a team that is really good and actually won the league last season. I have now played [...]

2010-02-16T19:18:33+00:00By |Client Stories, Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Skills, Mental Training, MTI Blog, Sport Psychology|Comments Off on Noah’s Saga – Pro Hockey Post #3

Noah’s Saga – Post #2 Try without Caring

I have been thinking about what Dr. Neff (my mental trainer, I usually call him Doc) said as I move away from an intense caring attitude and into a more relaxed, more fun, more energetic way of being. I watch my confidence grow and my performances in practice get better and better. It is really [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:35+00:00By |Client Stories, Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Skills, Mental Toughness, Mental Training, MTI Blog, Sport Psychology|Comments Off on Noah’s Saga – Post #2 Try without Caring

Noah’s Saga – 1st Pro Team (post 1)

Well, I have a new update. The team that I had a tryout with and have been staying with tried to tell me I had to leave on Friday morning because they have another player coming and need my apartment. I told them that I didn't understand why they were doing this when they had [...]

2010-02-03T01:52:52+00:00By |Client Stories, Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Skills, Mental Toughness, Mental Training, MTI Blog, Sport Psychology|Comments Off on Noah’s Saga – 1st Pro Team (post 1)

The Saga Blog – Real Athletes Striving

As Mental Trainers, we get to work with the best of the best.  Guess what? Even the best find themselves on an occasional roller coaster going from extreme highs to extreme lows.  We've asked a few MTI clients, with particularly compelling stories, to participate in our Saga Blog.  There is much you will learn as [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:36+00:00By |Client Stories, Mental Training, MTI Blog, Online Mental Trainer, Sport Psychology|Comments Off on The Saga Blog – Real Athletes Striving