Unintentional Mistakes by Parents of Young Athletes

Parents play an enormous role in developing youth athletes, but almost HALF of all parents make unintentional mistakes that harm their child’s development. With this in mind, Mental Training, Inc. CEO, Dr. Bob Neff and his wife recently spoke on Parenting Aces radio show to provide expert guidance on how parents can be most effective [...]

2014-02-26T20:04:42+00:00By |Dr. Bob's Blog, Press Releases|Comments Off on Unintentional Mistakes by Parents of Young Athletes

Mental Training, Inc. launches revolutionary Parent Mental Trainer

Through the creation of Parent Mental Trainer (PMT), Mental Training, Inc. has provided parents with the opportunity to understand their athlete through online mental skills training and has revolutionized the child-parent sport dynamic. Previously, customized mental skills training was only available to coaches through the Certified Mental Coach course and to athletes through Online Mental [...]

2014-02-26T19:35:47+00:00By |CAP Program, Press Releases|Comments Off on Mental Training, Inc. launches revolutionary Parent Mental Trainer

Can I Do It Again in My Tournament?!

By Dr. Bob Neff, Mental Trainer®   We recently had a young golfer who shot a personal best 70 from the tips on a very challenging golf course. He clearly found his performance "Zone," but a nagging question remained: "Can I do it again in my tournament tomorrow!?" It's the most common issue players have, [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:31+00:00By |Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Skills, Mental Toughness, Mental Training, Sport Psychology|Comments Off on Can I Do It Again in My Tournament?!

Mental Training, Inc. partners with Brain-X: A new look at Neuroscience and Learning

Mental Training Inc. (MTI), is a Dallas-Fort Worth based company that provides customized, affordable mental training to athletes and business professionals around the world. Mental Training, Inc. is a company that prides itself on bringing science based, proven, methods to sport and performance psychology. To insure and maintain that quality, MTI has partnered with some [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:31+00:00By |Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Toughness, Mental Training, MTI Blog, Sarah's Blog, Sport Psychology|Comments Off on Mental Training, Inc. partners with Brain-X: A new look at Neuroscience and Learning

Mental Training, Inc. Introduces Ground-Breaking Program

Mental Training, Inc. (MTI) recently presented ground-breaking research on the first ever mental training program for coaches, athletes and parents. MTI was invited to speak in Honolulu Hawaii at the prestigious conference held annually by the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP). AASP aims to promote the growth of sport psychology, as well as hold [...]

2012-09-12T08:21:00+00:00By |CAP Program, Mental Coach, Mental Training, MTI Blog, Sport Psychologist, Sport Psychology|Comments Off on Mental Training, Inc. Introduces Ground-Breaking Program

Mental Training, Inc. and USTA Northern California partner for Tennis Takeover

Mental Training, Inc., a company aimed to make good athletes great through mental preparation and toughness, has partnered with the esteemed United States Tennis Association (USTA) Northern California; a partnership that will undoubtedly have an effect on the entire tennis community. USTA is a not-for-profit, volunteer-based organization dedicated to the promotion and growth of tennis. [...]

2012-09-06T17:18:14+00:00By |CAP Program, Mental Coach, Mental Toughness, Mental Training, MTI Blog|Comments Off on Mental Training, Inc. and USTA Northern California partner for Tennis Takeover

Why Physical Training Is Not Enough

There’s a big misunderstanding about mental training that I hear most every day: “all you need to be mentally tough is long hours in the gym.” Obviously 25-35hrs a week of “deliberate practice” is critically important to gymnastic success, but is physical training really all you need? The mission of Mental Training, Inc. (MTI) as [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:32+00:00By |CAP Program, Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Coach, Mental Skills, Mental Toughness, Mental Training, MTI Blog, Online Mental Trainer|Comments Off on Why Physical Training Is Not Enough

5 Most Common Sport Performance Issues – What To Do, When You Don’t Know What To Do.

As a competing athlete, you've been taught the rules of your sport, strategies on how to win, and how to get fit and strong. So I would ask you, how much do you practice your mental skills? We find the most common answer is: "I don't." As a result, many athletes begin to break down [...]

Stephen’s Saga-Post #5 Don’t let your habits become a crutch. Use them to YOUR advantage.

This week was a relaxing week since I just fought. The interesting thing is I usually take the week after a tournament completely off. However, I found myself staying in the training pattern of visualizing every day. I was already focusing on the next goal of U-24 National Team Trials in early April. Then I [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:34+00:00By |Client Stories, Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Coach, Mental Skills, Mental Toughness, Mental Training, MTI Blog, Sport Psychology|Comments Off on Stephen’s Saga-Post #5 Don’t let your habits become a crutch. Use them to YOUR advantage.

Success doesn’t have to be sporadic, in fact it should be quite deliberate. 7 Tips you MUST Learn In Order to be a Sports Champion

You wouldn't expect to peak as an athlete if you didn't master the technical elements of your sport. You wouldn't expect to reach your potential if you only gave a half-hearted effort to maximizing your fitness and movement. The same applies with your mental skills development. It may be true that some sports champions are [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:34+00:00By |Mental Skills, Mental Toughness, Mental Training, MTI Blog, Online Mental Trainer, Sport Psychology|Comments Off on Success doesn’t have to be sporadic, in fact it should be quite deliberate. 7 Tips you MUST Learn In Order to be a Sports Champion