Effective Short Term Goal Setting: Near Term Planning for Long Term Success

Effective Short Term Goal Setting: Near Term Planning for Long Term Success By Sheryl Kline Cardiff, M.A www.SherylKlineCardiff.com Most people have set goals of one type or another for themselves or for a group, but are they effective? Do they get accomplished and are they the appropriate type of goal for the time period you [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:28+00:00By |MTI Blog, Sheryl's Blog|Comments Off on Effective Short Term Goal Setting: Near Term Planning for Long Term Success

Emotions, Memory and Confidence

Emotions, Memory and Confidence How they are related and why your perception is so important By Sheryl Kline Cardiff, M.A. [email protected] www.SherylKlineCardiff.com Do you remember the last time something intensely emotional happened to you? I remember vividly where I was, what I was wearing and how I felt when I was disqualified for going off course in [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:28+00:00By |MTI Blog, Sheryl's Blog|Comments Off on Emotions, Memory and Confidence

Positive Self Talk

Positive Self Talk Why It's Important and 3 Things You Can Do to Practice How we talk to ourselves can affect many aspects of our performance. Two main results of Self Talk are our emotional state and confidence, two factors that can have a profound impact on our ability to perform our best. So, if you want [...]

2014-08-19T16:53:24+00:00By |MTI Blog, Sheryl's Blog|Comments Off on Positive Self Talk

High School Volleyball Tryouts: Preparing Mentally

High School Volleyball Tryouts: Preparing Mentally By Sheryl Kline Cardiff, [email protected] www.SherylKlineCardiff.com It can be devastating to practice and work so hard only to have past and/or future thoughts and worries disrupt what you are capable of. Tryouts, especially very competitive ones, can produce emotions that get in the way of allowing you to perform [...]

2014-08-13T18:35:10+00:00By |MTI Blog, Sheryl's Blog|Comments Off on High School Volleyball Tryouts: Preparing Mentally