Enhancing Performance WITHOUT Drugs

By: Sarah Frey, MS, CMT & Robert Neff, Ph.D., CMT Lately, it seems that doping allegations have dominated sports news as some of today’s most revered athletes make headlines and disappoint millions of fans. In one swift moment our sport idols turn from hero to villain, quickly over-shadowing all of their accomplishments, natural talent, and [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:31+00:00By |Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Skills, Mental Training, Sarah's Blog|Comments Off on Enhancing Performance WITHOUT Drugs

Great Quotes in Sports

Here's a collection of my favorite quotes that I wanted to share with you, starting with the Great One: “I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in [...]

2012-05-08T07:00:36+00:00By |Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Skills, Mental Toughness, MTI Blog|Comments Off on Great Quotes in Sports

Mental Keys for Cowboys Against the Giants

By Brad Jurica and Anthony Eads, MTI Mental Trainers® When the final horn sounds in the NFC East game this Sunday, the mentally toughest team will be the one lifting their coach. Football, especially football in December, is all about mental toughness. Jason Garrett even stated recently, “The best teams in this league are the [...]