I’m Sick Of Covid

While you’re on the bench, put that spotlight on the space between your ears. I’m sick of the word COVID. The world changed. Did you? This pandemic has knocked us off our center. We may be rocked back on our heels a bit, but we have to surge forward to figure out how we can [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:23+00:00By |Tami Neff on behalf of the MTI Team|Comments Off on I’m Sick Of Covid

Fear of Failure? Or is it the Fear of Failing?

Fear of Failure or is it the Fear of Failing? Mike Margolies CMT® Fear of Failure The difference between Fear of failure and Fear of failing. FEAR can be scary; it can definitely hold athletes back from accomplishing many great things. Fear is failure can be about not wanting to fail at anything you do, [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:25+00:00By |Mental Coach, Mental Skills, Mental Toughness, Mental Training, MentalApp, Mike's Blog, MTI Blog, Sport Psychology, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Fear of Failure? Or is it the Fear of Failing?

Performance Anxiety

I get really nervous before the game, what’s wrong with me? By: Mike Margolies, MA, CMT® Is this you? Do you get so nervous prior to a game that your performance is negatively impacted? I hear this a lot from the athletes I’ve helped over the last 35 years. It is the most common complaint [...]

2016-03-15T19:34:29+00:00By |Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Skills, Mental Toughness, Mental Training, Mike's Blog, MTI Blog, Sport Psychology|Comments Off on Performance Anxiety

Stop Slumps Before They Start

Stop Slumps Before They Start By: Sarah Frey, MS., CMT & Dr. Bob Neff, CMT Frustration. Exhaustion. Stress. Despair. If you’ve ever been in a performance slump or felt stuck in a rut, these are undoubtedly some emotions you’ve experienced. You can now rest easy because performance slumps are not only something you can overcome, [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:26+00:00By |Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Skills, Mental Toughness, Mental Training, MTI Blog, Sarah's Blog, Sport Psychology|Comments Off on Stop Slumps Before They Start

Staying on Top of Your Game Over the Holidays

Staying on Top of Your Game Over the Holidays By: Sarah Frey, MS, CMT® & Robert Neff, Ph.D., CMT® Let’s face it, when the holidays roll around, many of us break from our normal routines to accommodate parties, family gatherings, gift shopping, or inclement weather. And although spending quality time with family and friends, and [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:27+00:00By |Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Skills, Mental Training, MentalApp, Sarah's Blog|Comments Off on Staying on Top of Your Game Over the Holidays

Managing Emotions When There is A Lot at Stake

Managing Emotions When There is A Lot at Stake www.SherylKlineCardiff.com www.MentalTrainingInc.com Whether you are being evaluated to make a team, sitting down to take a college entrance exam, or playing in a game that could change the course of your future, it is extremely difficult to be in an ideal mental state that will allow [...]

2016-03-15T19:40:50+00:00By |MTI Blog, Sheryl's Blog|Comments Off on Managing Emotions When There is A Lot at Stake

The Importance of Optimism in High Performance Training

The Importance of Optimism in High Performance Training by Sheryl Kline Cardiff, M.A. www.SherylKlineCardiff.com [email protected]      I read an interview recently in the New York Times between Kobe Bryant and Arianna Huffington. They seemed like an unusual pair to be having lunch together, discussing their past accomplishments and brainstorming out loud what the future [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:28+00:00By |MTI Blog, Sheryl's Blog|Comments Off on The Importance of Optimism in High Performance Training

Emotions, Memory and Confidence

Emotions, Memory and Confidence How they are related and why your perception is so important By Sheryl Kline Cardiff, M.A. [email protected] www.SherylKlineCardiff.com Do you remember the last time something intensely emotional happened to you? I remember vividly where I was, what I was wearing and how I felt when I was disqualified for going off course in [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:28+00:00By |MTI Blog, Sheryl's Blog|Comments Off on Emotions, Memory and Confidence

High School Volleyball Tryouts: Preparing Mentally

High School Volleyball Tryouts: Preparing Mentally By Sheryl Kline Cardiff, [email protected] www.SherylKlineCardiff.com It can be devastating to practice and work so hard only to have past and/or future thoughts and worries disrupt what you are capable of. Tryouts, especially very competitive ones, can produce emotions that get in the way of allowing you to perform [...]

2014-08-13T18:35:10+00:00By |MTI Blog, Sheryl's Blog|Comments Off on High School Volleyball Tryouts: Preparing Mentally

Mental Training Inc. Shares the Gold Medal Recipe for Success

Mental Training Inc. explains the keys to success for Sochi Winter Olympians in the development of their mental toughness. What does it take to medal in the Olympics? If you ask any gold medalist, they’ll tell you it starts and ends with their mind, not their physical abilities. In addition to the enormous amount of [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:30+00:00By |Mental Skills, Mental Toughness, Mental Training, Press Releases|Comments Off on Mental Training Inc. Shares the Gold Medal Recipe for Success