Why Physical Training Is Not Enough

There’s a big misunderstanding about mental training that I hear most every day: “all you need to be mentally tough is long hours in the gym.” Obviously 25-35hrs a week of “deliberate practice” is critically important to gymnastic success, but is physical training really all you need? The mission of Mental Training, Inc. (MTI) as [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:32+00:00By |CAP Program, Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Coach, Mental Skills, Mental Toughness, Mental Training, MTI Blog, Online Mental Trainer|Comments Off on Why Physical Training Is Not Enough

“Weight Loss” is a Mental Game (Part 1)

The term “Weight Loss” is such a lousy term. I've used it here to get your attention, but I’d like you not to use it. It doesn’t help to be talking about weight. Dehydrating yourself or taking amphetamines (diet pills and caffeine) will lower your weight, but that’s mostly a temporary water loss and clearly [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:32+00:00By |Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Coach, Mental Skills, Mental Training, MTI Blog, Nutrition & Health|Comments Off on “Weight Loss” is a Mental Game (Part 1)

Overcoming “Mild Depression” Without Medication

Many psychology experts believe depression is largely CONTROLLABLE and therefore preventable by as many as 95% of all people who experience it, and WITHOUT the need for harmful drugs.  Start by thinking about how a depressed person looks and behaves: stays away from others doesn’t give or feel love thinks about problems worries about uncontrollables practices [...]

Great Quotes in Sports

Here's a collection of my favorite quotes that I wanted to share with you, starting with the Great One: “I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in [...]

2012-05-08T07:00:36+00:00By |Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Skills, Mental Toughness, MTI Blog|Comments Off on Great Quotes in Sports

Calorie Needs and BMR

Your body needs a minimum number of calories in order to perform at high levels. Your daily calorie intake provides energy for the millions of chemical reactions that enable your body to function. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the minimum amount of calories needed to fuel your body while resting. Our BMR accounts for about [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:33+00:00By |Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Coach, Mental Skills, MTI Blog, Nutrition & Health|Comments Off on Calorie Needs and BMR

Mental Keys for Cowboys Against the Giants

By Brad Jurica and Anthony Eads, MTI Mental Trainers® When the final horn sounds in the NFC East game this Sunday, the mentally toughest team will be the one lifting their coach. Football, especially football in December, is all about mental toughness. Jason Garrett even stated recently, “The best teams in this league are the [...]

Why Did LeBron James Choke and Dirk Nowitzki Shine?

By Carla-Dyann Brown & Dr. Bob Neff, Mental Trainers® The 2011 NBA Finals were an exciting victory for some, and a devastating defeat for others.  Although the actions of many were questioned and reviewed, one of the most notable athletes accused of performing at sub-par levels during the NBA Finals was Miami Heat star, LeBron [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:34+00:00By |Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Coach, Mental Skills, Mental Toughness, Mental Training, MTI Blog, Sport Psychology|Comments Off on Why Did LeBron James Choke and Dirk Nowitzki Shine?

The Emotion-Memory-Confidence Relationship

There is an interesting relationship between Emotion, Memory and Confidence. Research clearly tells us that strong emotions create more vivid, long-lasting memories. Athletes need to have mistake amnesia and remember their successes. Our mental and physical practice also affects our memories. If what we remember is positive, our confidence will be higher. We then know [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:34+00:00By |Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Coach, Mental Skills, Mental Training, MTI Blog, Sport Psychologist, Sport Psychology|Comments Off on The Emotion-Memory-Confidence Relationship

Athlete Affirmation Examples

As a high-performance athlete, it's important to call upon strength and toughness in a moment's notice.  Here are some great examples of self-talk you can use to get yourself in the right state of mind, and right away. I love competition The bigger the tournament, the more comfortable I feel In any situation, I turn [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:34+00:00By |Dr. Bob's Blog, Mental Skills, Mental Toughness, Mental Training, MTI Blog|Comments Off on Athlete Affirmation Examples