Managing Emotions When There is A Lot at Stake

Managing Emotions When There is A Lot at Stake Whether you are being evaluated to make a team, sitting down to take a college entrance exam, or playing in a game that could change the course of your future, it is extremely difficult to be in an ideal mental state that will allow [...]

2016-03-15T19:40:50+00:00By |MTI Blog, Sheryl's Blog|Comments Off on Managing Emotions When There is A Lot at Stake

Understanding Underperformance

Understanding Underperformance By: Sarah Frey, MS, CMT Wouldn’t it be great if we could all perform in competition as well as we do in practice? One of the biggest hurdles we face when it comes time to ‘step up to the plate,’ is managing our feelings of stress, nervousness, and anxiety. So what if we [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:27+00:00By |Mental Skills, Mental Toughness, Mental Training, MTI Blog, Sarah's Blog, Sport Psychologist, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Understanding Underperformance

The Importance of Optimism in High Performance Training

The Importance of Optimism in High Performance Training by Sheryl Kline Cardiff, M.A. [email protected]      I read an interview recently in the New York Times between Kobe Bryant and Arianna Huffington. They seemed like an unusual pair to be having lunch together, discussing their past accomplishments and brainstorming out loud what the future [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:28+00:00By |MTI Blog, Sheryl's Blog|Comments Off on The Importance of Optimism in High Performance Training

Emotions, Memory and Confidence

Emotions, Memory and Confidence How they are related and why your perception is so important By Sheryl Kline Cardiff, M.A. [email protected] Do you remember the last time something intensely emotional happened to you? I remember vividly where I was, what I was wearing and how I felt when I was disqualified for going off course in [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:28+00:00By |MTI Blog, Sheryl's Blog|Comments Off on Emotions, Memory and Confidence

High School Volleyball Tryouts: Preparing Mentally

High School Volleyball Tryouts: Preparing Mentally By Sheryl Kline Cardiff, [email protected] It can be devastating to practice and work so hard only to have past and/or future thoughts and worries disrupt what you are capable of. Tryouts, especially very competitive ones, can produce emotions that get in the way of allowing you to perform [...]

2014-08-13T18:35:10+00:00By |MTI Blog, Sheryl's Blog|Comments Off on High School Volleyball Tryouts: Preparing Mentally

Mental Training Inc. is sponsoring two local fighters competing in this weekend’s UFC 171 in Dallas, Texas.

Mental Training Inc. (MTI), a world leader in mental skills training programs, is proud to announce two local fighters are embracing the importance of mental training in combat sports. MTI is sponsoring William Campuzano and Sean Spencer in UFC 171 in Dallas, Texas, on March 15, 2014. Twenty-seven year old William Campuzano is an East [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:30+00:00By |Dr. Brad's Blog, Mental Coach, Mental Skills, Mental Toughness, Mental Training, Press Releases|Comments Off on Mental Training Inc. is sponsoring two local fighters competing in this weekend’s UFC 171 in Dallas, Texas.

Mentally Tough Gymnast Wins Back to Back Meets

Mental Training, Inc. client Olivia Raymond is a special gymnast who recently won back to back meets at some of the most well-known competitions in the country. Even more amazing is, she did it after quitting the sport. The addition of mental skills training has enabled her to re-enter the sport with strengthened motivation, focus [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:30+00:00By |Client Stories, Dr. Bob's Blog, Press Releases|Comments Off on Mentally Tough Gymnast Wins Back to Back Meets

The Key To the Seahawks Super Bowl Win was… Mental Toughness

According to Mental Training, Inc. the Seattle Seahawks have embraced mental training like no other team in the NFL. As quarterback Russell Wilson showed us in Sunday’s Super Bowl win, self-confidence is why he performed so well in such a high-pressure situation. So what’s so different about the Seahawks approach? The NFL’s finest took the [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:30+00:00By |Mental Toughness, Press Releases|Comments Off on The Key To the Seahawks Super Bowl Win was… Mental Toughness

Get 2014 Olympic Games Mental Training Commentary From The Experts

At Mental Training, Inc, Mental Trainers® from around the world teach their clients the same mental skills that are used by Olympic athletes. Look no further than this elite team of Mental Trainers® to provide media insight into the mental complexities required to perform and medal during the upcoming Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics. As the [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:30+00:00By |Press Releases, Sport Psychologist|Comments Off on Get 2014 Olympic Games Mental Training Commentary From The Experts

Mental Training, Inc. Welcomes 9 New Mental Trainers® in 2013

Mental Training, Inc. is excited to announce that in 2013, nine individuals successfully completed the intense Mental Trainer® certification program. These people have dedicated themselves to a mental training career of helping athletes and performers strengthen their mental skills to produce optimal performance. One of the biggest missions Mental Training, Inc. (MTI) has as a [...]

2021-04-14T11:28:30+00:00By |Mental Coach, Press Releases, Sport Psychologist|Comments Off on Mental Training, Inc. Welcomes 9 New Mental Trainers® in 2013